Making Disciples Ministries provides a time tested curriculum that has been used to train hundreds of biblical counselors since 2006. This curriculum has been proven to thoroughly prepare candidates for certification with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) with both the theological foundation for biblical counseling and the practical application of biblical counseling. By the conclusion of our two-year biblical counselor training (Option 1), you will have completed Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the ACBC certification process and will have summitted your application for Phase 3 (last phase of ACBC certification). Our training will provide you with a solid foundation to succeed in Phase 3 of the ACBC certification process. Students prepared through this training have been praised by ACBC Phase 3 Supervisors for their excellent preparation.
Biblical Counselor Training Option 1 (Lay Counselor):
This training option is for someone who is interested in serving the local Church as a staff or lay biblical counselor, or interested in becoming an ACBC certified biblical counselor. The cost for this option is listed below under Option 1 Registration (which is a fraction of the cost of equivalent biblical counseling university degree programs that can cost over $20,000).
There are 15 classes in Year 1 (see class schedule below) and around 16 classes in Year 2. There is homework required for this Option. If you are not a part of a training cohort, you can go at your own pace or follow the MDM class schedule (recommendation of three weeks per class to complete the training in two year). The homework for each class will take approximately an hour a week plus an average of 26 pages of reading per week (see class schedule). Your homework assignments will be graded and returned to you with our feedback (this is unique to our training as compared to other online biblical counselor training available on the market today). The list of required books are on the class schedule. It is your responsibility to purchase the required books in time to read them by the reading assignment due dates. The books can be purchase from, and other book retailers.
MDM year 1 class scheduleFIRST CHURCH year 1 class SCHEDULE
Option 1 Registration
MDM registratioN $995First church member registratioN $150First church non-member registratioN $375
Biblical Counselor Training Option 2 (Discipleship):
This training option is for someone who is interested in biblical counseling (perhaps a small group leader, Sunday school teacher, elder, deacon, discipler, or anyone that desires to grow in their relationship with Christ and grow in peace and contentment no matter what circumstances they find themselves in life, and/or help others to do the same), but does not have the time to fulfill the Option 1 homework requirements. The cost for this option is listed below under Option 2 Registration (which is a fraction of the cost of equivalent biblical counseling university degree programs that can cost over $20,000).
There are 15 classes in Year 1 (see class schedule below) and around 16 classes in Year 2. There is no homework required for this Option, but it is recommended that you do as much homework as you can to further equip yourself for biblical counseling. There will be no grading of homework for this training option. If you are not part of a training cohort, you can choose to go at your own pace or follow the MDM class schedule (recommendation of three weeks per class to complete the training in two years). The list of recommended books are on the class schedule. Reading is optional but it would greatly benefit you by reading them. The books can be purchase from, and other book retailers.
MDM Year 1 class scheduleFIRST CHURCH year 1 class SCHEDULE
Option 2 Registration
MDM registration $495FIRST CHURCH member registration $1First church non-member registration $150