We train Christian men and women to become excellent biblical counselors in their local church for the glory of God. Our training is grounded in the sufficiency of God’s Word alone (Psalm 19:7, 2 Peter 1:3). This training has been proven in the classroom for over 18 years and hundreds of students, and we are now making it available to you from anywhere in the world. If you desire to be certified in biblical counseling by the Association of Biblical Counselors (ACBC), we can help you every step of the way. This training has been life transforming for hundreds of people and we believe that it will be life transforming for you as well.
Making Disciples Ministries (MDM) is passionate about the Great Commission to make disciples of all the nations. We are looking for like minded believers and churches who would like to partner with us in this ministry.
530 New Los Angeles Ave #115-251| Moorpark CA 93021| contact@makingdisciplesmin.org